
Eden Gold to rob the rules, the hierarchy of the guild

  There is a big difference between players who are bad, and players who are bad and will never care to learn to be better and you have to differentiate and be a little selective, even if you do not many players signed. One thing that does not work for endgame raiding guilds are spamming the guild recruitment or general chat channels constantly. Your best chance of people who are running Pugs and display them on your server forums. You must find people who are actively seeking to plunder and not just random people who are looking for the guild to jump aside.

  Remember to set up to rob the rules, the hierarchy of the guild, and the rest as soon as possible, and make sure the rules are set in stone. Do not make exceptions for friends, do not make exceptions for anyone, and make sure it is 100% right. If not, will be central drama. The Guild can help in the initial stage by people who know you're joking, but watch out for too much money before the guild pans out. How to keep afloat Guild Hardcore guild leader, you're going to want to be sure that the guild is working properly all the time.

  Similarly, if the machine goes to people who are not present or does not contribute, then you are in the same jam. So make sure that people running speed and the loot is never a problem. As leader of the clan, which does not always carry out raids. Look for the band leader with experience is a great asset and allows agents to manage the booty may have a lot of work of their hands. The job of a leader of the guild is to keep everything together. You do not have to micromanage the entire guild, but keep an eye on things and be a solid base from which your guild can grow. Drama Guild appropriate Hardcore blow harder and more often than not inevitable.

